About studies




The course is conducted in English in an MBA style and gives practical and theoretical insight into how international affairs affect business in Poland, EU and globally

International Business postgraduate studies are for those postgraduates who obtained their BA, BSc, MA or MSc diploma from any university or higher school and want both to learn about internationalization processes of companies and global trends in the world economy as well as get themselves acquainted with English terminology related to international economics and management. Through the participation in this interdisciplinary and interactive set of lectures, discussions, workshops, debates and various business encounters you will acquire insights into business philosophy, strategy, operations and deeper understanding of the core areas of business. You will also improve your business-related communication skills in English. The course can give you guidelines for further self-development and career planning.
The offer is dedicated to those who intend to deepen and broaden knowledge and skills related to international human resource management to be more competitive on global labour market.

Educational objectives: refer to delivering knowledge and developing skills which are useful in doing business in an international environment. In particular, participants learn about:

  • trends in international economics,
  • various forms and strategies of internationalization and globalization of companies,
  • marketing tools applied in an international context,
  • methods of international management,
  • tools used in managing people within a multicultural work environment,
  • communication and negotiation techniques,
  • international financial transactions and settlements,
  • transport and logistics in international business,
  • entrepreneurship.

Duration: 2 semesters, 200 hours, extramural studies – every other Saturday and Sunday

Lecturers: academics from the University of Gdansk and practitioners from various fields of business

Admissions: candidates should have their BA, BSc, MA or MSc degree, knowledge of English at the FCE level and the    confirmation of the first installment payment

Participants are expected to pass exams according to the program of the study.

Enrollment dates: to the 11th of October – admission is determined by the order of entries

Fee:    7 600 PLN for two semesters (it is possibile to pay in installments)

Recquired documents:

  • agplication form generated from IRK
  • Graduation diploma (Bacher or Master),
  • 2 photos


Executive of the study:  dr Tomasz Czuba,   tomasz.czuba@ug.edu.pl

Secretary: Wioletta Zakrzewska,   e-mail: w.zakrzewska@ug.edu.pl

Organization of the study:  classes are conducted  every other Saturday and Sunday from 9:45 to 16:45

Venue and address:    Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Ekonomiczny, Studia Podyplomowe Biznes Międzynarodowy,  ul. Armii Krajowej 119/121, 81-824 Sopot (pokój A112)