About Department

Department of Economics and Management of Transport Companies

Armii Krajowej 119/121
81-824 Sopot

tel. 058 523 13 53
fax. 058 523 11 90


The Department of Economics and Management of Transport Companies is an individual academic organization, working as a part of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk, from where there is a direction on research activity of its employees, including the work of statutory relatively wide range of teaching and practical application of economic knowledge.

Statutory activity of the Department results primarily from molded over the years of basic research profiles. These include:

  • The theory of enterprises - under which you can distinguish two main research programs: the diagnosis of the economic enterprises and their market environment, the functioning of the same economic units as well as current research includes the pragmatic assumptions of organizational behavior and business scheme;
  • The management of transport enterprises - including the complex dimension of the issues of economics and management of these enterprises, and detailed studies, taking into account the structural aspects of the problem;
  • Economic analysis - with particular emphasis on the dimension of the financial, operational and marketing and the impact of the labor market and human capital for business development opportunity.

The Department of Economics and Management of Transport Companies has educational offer which consist of carrying out the direction of specialization in the field of Economics study:

  • Bachelor's degree - " Theory of Enterprises ", "Enterprises Auditor"
  • Master - " Economic Assessment and Functioning of Enterprises "

At the same time the employees of the Department offer some courses for the specialization "Economics of transport and logistics" within bachelors, graduate and post-graduate as well as doctoral seminars on doctoral studies in economics. They conduct a regular training and related courses ordered, largely in the area of corporate finance and financial analysis.

The Department of Economics and Management of Transport Companies is developing the project activities, and expert advice, which is dedicated to the practical use of the processes of economic knowledge. The largest number of studies done on the staff is being made business and transport facilities, with particular emphasis on road transport, regular bus services and freight transportation. The work studies, expertise and materials related to counseling agencies and the Polish State Railways, Polish Airlines "Flight", Polish airports, businesses and municipal management of local government units.

Employees of the department also has significant share in the work of Development Programs Science Project of the European Union, Operational Programs or privatization programs. In addition, individual employees are consultants for the Department of economic and financial management bodies of enterprises of different sectors of the economy or the local government units.