1. Should I have a degree of Bachelor in economics to apply for Master Degree studies in International Business on the Faculty of Economics at the University of Gdansk?


You can apply for International Business studies having Bachelor degree also in other areas but some basic knowledge of economics aspects is necessary for better understanding lectures and workshops.





2. What diploma will successful student obtain at the end of Bachelor Degree studies in International Business?


To get a diploma student has to write and successfully defend his/her Bachelor thesis. The final awarded degree is licencjat.

In accordance with § 3 point 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 1st September 2011 on professional titles granted to graduates, the conditions for issuing and necessary elements of diplomas and a postgraduate diploma, as well as the model of the supplement (Journal of Law No. 196, item. 1167) the graduates of the first degree of studies award a title LICENCJAT (licencjat degree).

In accordance with § 1.5 of the Ordinance of the Rector of the University of Gdansk No. 55/R/15 of 3rd June 2015 on the implementation of translating names of organizational units, functions, job positions as well as professional titles, academic degrees and titles into English, in the case of translations of degrees on diplomas, awarded professional titles (f. ex. licencjat, magister) are not translated into foreign language.





3. What diploma will successful student obtain at the end of Master Degree studies in International Business?


To get a diploma student has to write and successfully defend his/her Master thesis. The final awarded degree is magister.

In accordance with § 3 point 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 1st September 2011 on professional titles granted to graduates, the conditions for issuing and necessary elements of diplomas and a postgraduate diploma, as well as the model of the supplement (Journal of Law No. 196, item. 1167) the graduates of the first degree of studies award a title LICENCJAT (licencjat degree).

In accordance with § 1.5 of the Ordinance of the Rector of the University of Gdansk No. 55/R/15 of 3rd June 2015 on the implementation of translating names of organizational units, functions, job positions as well as professional titles, academic degrees and titles into English, in the case of translations of degrees on diplomas, awarded professional titles (f. ex. licencjat, magister) are not translated into foreign language.





4. What are fees for the International Business studies?


Up-to-date information about fees are placed here (link).





5. As the IB student, am I allowed to get place in the University’s dormitory?


Yes, you can apply for a place in the dormitory.